August 22, 2014

Walt's Kick in the Teeth

All over the world, much has obviously been written about Walt Disney and his creative genius. From Mickey Mouse to Snow White to Disneyland to Mary Poppins and beyond, there has never been a man like him. Look at this quote from old Walt himself. Not only creative but wisely reflective, I'd say.

Today is a good day to run across this. I've been kicked down once again. So many sucker punches, kicks in the teeth- or way lower. I'm strong, but I am also weak. And I'll be the first to admit I need Jesus to help me make it. I saw this billboard today: "People disappoint. God never does." Well, maybe not eventually. I will say I do not understand everything God allows, but I do trust Him, even if I never understand why. I guess that's what they call faith.

Time to keep going, I guess. There's always a fresh day tomorrow.

(Image from


  1. Anonymous7:01:00 AM

    Thanks for sharing. Great quote from Walt. Keep the faith. God will lead you the right way.

  2. Anonymous7:02:00 AM

    Thanks for sharing. It's a great quote from Walt. Keep the faith, God will lead you the right way.
