August 29, 2014

Disneyland Paris Influences the Original Magic Kingdom

At Disney Imagineering, no concept ever seems to truly go to waste. The piece of art above is an interesting one indeed. In many ways, it is clearly a look at the Autopia at Disneyland Paris. Nestled within the beautiful, Jules Verne styled Discoveryland, the neon rings glow clearly on the often grey and cloudy skies of Paris.

On the other hand, there are certainly elements of this piece that strongly remind me of Tony Baxter's redesign for Tomorrowland '98 at Disneyland. That redo, the first one done to Tomorrowland since the epic 1967 version, included the infamous and short-lived Rocket Rods. The California Autopia remained a perennial favorite and was also scheduled for a revamping in look. The Chevron oil sponsored attraction there includes a building that has very similar flourishes in style to what was found on opening day in the Paris park in 1992.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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