April 3, 2014

32 Years of Marriage- A Letter to My Wife

Thank you for being my wife, lover, best friend, and favorite ministry partner. I'd rather spend the day with you than anyone. Through thick and thin (in all applications!), you've been a blessing. Your beauty, wisdom, and passion for God are beyond compare. People who look past you don't know what they are missing!

At times when others have walked out, you never have. You've spoken hard truths in loving ways and never let me be the victim but always the victor in Jesus.

I love how our grandkids turn you into a puddle when you play with them, how our children look up to you, and how God has blessed us with a marriage many wish they had. I may be the one who is more vocal and protective of our family when hardship comes our way, but everyone who knows us well, knows you are the strong one. After Jesus, you are the best choice I ever made. Words are not enough. Love, Mark

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