February 11, 2013

Tony Baxter's "Jolly Holiday" in EPCOT?

Here's another testimony to the old adage, "A great concept never dies": this rare piece of concept art for EPCOT Center's World Showcase shows an unbuilt attraction for the UK pavilion. It's labeled "A Jolly Holiday", and my guess is this the same Mary Poppins' themed attraction that ex-Imagineer Tony Baxter brought with him for his interview with WED Enterprises all those years ago. 

6:53pm Note: I stand corrected. See Eric's response for a full explanation. Thank you.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)


  1. No, this was a fan project posted here first: http://www.imagineeringdisney.com/blog/2009/12/14/a-jolly-holiday-attraction-concept.html

    I think a Mary Poppins attraction is an idea that many people have toyed with, so you will probably find many parallels from different artists on this same theme.
