October 7, 2008

Enough Already

Let me say I am all about being involved in the political process. That said, I am sick of the election and tired of the ugly words and nasty adjectives that get thrown back and forth between members of different political parties.

In the last two weeks, I have personally witnessed folks supporting candidates from both major parties slandering those from the other side. Not discussing the issues, mind you, which is very important, but actually name calling in gross generalizations. This doesn't help anyone. Instead, I believe this disuades people from getting involved in something that is a civic duty. And we all should get involved. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. On to something new tomorrow...


  1. Anonymous7:00:00 PM

    Did you JUST arrive in this country or have you been here for a while? It's been this way for decades and decades. It's the voter's responsibility to separate the "wheat from the chaff."

    That's one of the things our educational system is SUPPOSED to teach us. Unforunately, those sorts of civics lessons have been mostly eradicated by NCLB and the Bush administration ...

  2. Your comments prove my point. Thanks.
